Dana Strand Swim Report

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Dolphin Nod

Started this Saturday morning with a 7 mile run in the hills just above my neighborhood then into San Clemente and back home. I took off for the beach at about 10. It was completely cloudy. When I got to the beach, I could see a part in the clouds off shore in the distance but alas, that sun was not going to make its way above land until mid afternoon.

The water was pretty ruffled today with very little visibility. The lifeguard tower says the water temperature is 61 to 63 which felt about right - a little cool but comfortable. I hit the water and head south. I’m trying to settle in but my mind feels agitated today. I’m bothered by a YouTube video I overheard yesterday. It was a conservative Christian anti-contemplative practice video that targeted most of the practices and authors that I feel have breathed fresh life into my spirituality over the past couple years and basically called them all “false teachers.” I don’t really know where to begin with expressing how this makes me feel and don’t think dissecting their arguments will be particularly helpful now. So I’ll just sit with this for a while.

On the way back North, I swim through a pod of dolphins. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a grey mast and then realized it was actually a fin. Then I could hear their heavy breathing. One of the dolphins that was closest, lifted its head out of the water - almost as though it was saying “hello there human.” It had a small notch in its fin and was probably just about 6 feet away from me. Man I love dolphins.

After my swim I took a small walk with my dad and then we took the funicular back to the parking lot.