Don’t Newport My Dana

Well June gloom is back today in full force. I prepared myself for this in advance.

I left a little after 6 and parked at the Strand and then started off with a 7.5 mile run through the harbor. It was nice and quiet and enjoyable. When I got to the top of Cove Rd. (always a relief and an achievement) I noticed this sign “Don’t Newport my Dana.” I assume this is in reaction to the planned harbor renovations. I definitely get it. I’d be very happy if the harbor stayed the same. Maybe a few touch ups here and there are in order but I like its overall low key vibe.

I eventually get back to the car and change into my trunks. I head down to the beach without a pack. It feels very pleasant out despite the drops of drizzle I can feel falling.

Even though it is four hours after low tide, it still looks pretty low. Overall, the beach looks delightful. The surf is pretty small and the water surface looks smooth.

I get into the water and dive under a wave to start the swim. The water is cool but still feels the same as it has through most of May and June. Several weeks ago, Surfline had the water temperature at 64. It dropped to 63 a couple weeks ago and today it dropped to 62. Yesterday the Salt Creek lifeguard tower had 62-64 posted. Typically we’d be a couple degrees warmer this time of year. I certainly would not mind that but I’m pretty happy with where things are at.

The swim is pretty uneventful. Actually, I guess most of them are. That’s probably largely a good thing. Probably most “events” in open sea could be disastrous. However I could cross paths with a Dolphin or, much less likely but possible I think, a Whale. None of these things happen. And where are all the Dolphins this year?

I really wandered off quite far off shore today. I passed by a couple paddle boarders and then by the time I noticed the Green Monster, I was way further out than it was and it is pretty far out.

I spent most of the swim, especially the north bound leg (the longest), lost in the shadows of the water in a semi dream state.

After finishing up and getting clothes on, I made my way to church. I might have surpassed the semi-dream state during the sermon.


Absolutely Wrong


Let My Eyes Burn