New Toy
Bob Marley in the distance
Got a super early start today. Due to various scheduling conflicts, swimming before my 7:30 meeting was the only window I had today. That means I have to leave my house at 5:30. Fortunately this time of the year, there is plenty of light at that time. The temperature outside is warm and comfortable this early morning and according to “Surflies,” water temp is back up in the 70 zone.
I get to the beach and the ocean surface looks silky smooth and skies are mostly overcast with some small hints of blue here and there. Today I am excited because I got my new camera with a water proof case. I’ve been thinking for quite some time that it would be cool to have a waterproof camera so I can take pictures in the water. Well that day has come! I’ve been doing a fair amount of research on cameras and gear. The biggest challenge has been finding a way to “attach” myself to the camera in such a way that it is easy to access and not super annoying to swim with. Nothing I have seen on YouTube looks attractive to me. I suppose there is no law preventing me from wearing a woman’s 1-piece swim suit and stuffing the camera down by my chest. Gotta be a better way. Others have mounted their cameras on boogie boards or other floating contraptions. I don’t like having a bunch of stuff with me in the water. I’m also not really interested in filming myself swimming. I mainly just want to take still photos. I finally settle on a 6 inch floating stick that is attached to a 2 foot leash I can strap to my wrist. That seems like it should stay out of my way and not be too bulky. I managed to get everything for about 100 bucks. Not to shabby.
The water feels warmer than Wednesday. I make my way out and experiment with taking a few photos of the waves. They didn’t come out that great. Whatever. I figure if I bring this camera along on all or even most of my 4 swims a week, there will be more than plenty of opportunities to get good pics. I am happy to find that my leash setup is not too distracting. I feel just a little drag, but I’m not getting tangled up or anything. I take a couple pics underwater and the visibility is just not good today and there is also not much light out yet. Overall, I feel like this has been a successful purchase and I get a few pics I am fairly happy with.
To be honest, my mind is fairly preoccupied with this camera today. The swim itself is fairly uneventful. I mean it is definitely great. The morning is pristine and peaceful and the water is warm and comfy - very pleasant swim. I’m sure this contraption will take up less and less mental real estate with every swim.
Ricky Bobby
I finish up and head straight up to the car. Another perk of this new setup is that I no longer have to wrap my old phone that I have been using as a camera inside my T-shirt and hide it in the rocks. Now I can go straight to the water and back until late Fall when the water gets colder and I need to carry a towel and layers.