Unforeseen Possibilities
There is a surfer on this wave but camouflaged by his wetsuit
Sunshine at last! It started to show here at about 9 which I really didn’t expect. I left the house at about 9:45 and the sun felt good. Yesterday’s bi-weekly water temperature forecast is expecting us to surpass 70 this weekend so I’m really looking forward to this swim regardless of weather. When I get to the beach, there is considerable bump to the water surface and the surf is up from earlier in the week but not really big. The water feels warm on my feet. At this point I don’t really get why the surfers are wearing wetsuits let alone full suits. Perhaps to give them protection from the sun?
I start swimming and the water is super nice. It’s fairly rough and tumble due to the ruffled surface but that’s fine. Water visibility is pretty poor. I’m seeing random Jr. Lifeguard activity on the beach and in the water. Some are running on the shore with fins in their hands. Some are paddling on surfboards out past the surf. They sure can keep themselves busy out here. Looks like fun. I remember Jr. Lifeguarding being mostly fun when I was a kid. They did not have a program in Dana Point back then. Me and a couple friends would take the public bus to the San Clemente pier. Some days the surf or the jumps off of the pier would freak me out but I think it was mostly good. I remember practicing CPR on neighbors at home. What’s wrong with a little mouth to mouth among friends? Am I right? There is a new buoy on the South end of the beach. It is simply labeled OCJL. I’m guessing Orange County Jr. Lifeguards. Boring.
Today I am focusing on surrendering my striving for accomplishment. I am releasing it to the water and seeking an authentic experience of right now. Letting go of worry. Letting go of the fear that I will just languish in a lack of vision. Letting my mind relax to an openness of faith that I will be drawn to where I need to be when I need to be there. I believe that this intent to surrender is the key to authenticity. If I grasp for accomplishments and seek to be something else, then I am just leading myself away from what I am now. And I believe authenticity is the key to creating something new as opposed to imitating something we think we need to be mirroring. We create something new by being who we uniquely are rather than seeking to be something that already has been accomplished. Worry and fear weigh us down and stifle creativity. Being open to the unknown allows for unforeseen possibilities.
I get to the Northern point of my swim and practically swim right into Bob Marley. I wonder how it is that I always manage to swim in alignment to these buoys. I’m usually not trying to remain a certain distance from shore. I also find it interesting that when I do come across other swimmers. We are relatively close to one another. What is it that draws us to swim along a similar trajectory while we are in this vastly huge body of water. I am probably reading way too much into this than what would actually explain all this.
I eventually reach shore and what an incredibly pleasant Friday morning swim. I walk up the stairs and soak up the sun wishing I could stay but there is work to be done.