Dana Strand Swim Report

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Running to Catalina

How about that atmospheric river? It’s been 6 days since my last swim. We have had a lot of rain here in Dana Point which has contributed to some significant runoff into the ocean leaving it a little dingy and gross. I usually like to leave a day for the water to clean up after a good rain, but on my run Thursday (2 days ago), I could see a very distinct line in the water from the Doheny parking lot separating blue water from grey water. The line ran parallel to the jetty at the harbor breakwater entrance. From the web cams, the water still looked a litle brownish yesterday so I decided to stay out. Today I tried to just ignore any brown water. It’s been long enough.

This is from Doheny a couple days ago. Note the two-tone effect.

I had a late start today and was not able to leave until 11:45 by which time the wind had picked up quite a bit and the water looked like a choppy mess. Doesn’t matter. I’m getting in that water and I’m not going to let a little wind stop me. As I pass Doheny, I can still see that two-tone water (or did I?) and the water looks like it is all over the place. Am I sure I want to do this? Doesn’t matter. The wheels are already in motion.

I get to The Strand parking lot and there is white water everywhere. I’m actually not sure if I have ever swam in water this choppy. Fortunately the surf is fairly small and it looks like the water temperature hasn’t come down too much - certainly not more than a degree - despite the strong onshore winds mid-week. Also, the tide has come down from a deep 6.7 this morning. So other than this wind, conditions are pretty optimal.

I get out of the car and although there is hardly a cloud in the sky, this breeze makes it feel cold. The temperature still has not even hit 60. I’m definitely taking my pack with me to the beach today and keeping my shirt on until the last possible moment. As I walk down the stairs, I look out onto the water and wonder what it is going to be like out there. There are wakes breaking this way and that. Will I have difficulty pushing through all the way down the beach? It’s a north wind blowing so things should be good to start but what happens when I turn around? Well there is only one way to find out.

As I turn the corner at the bathrooms and head down the asphalt with a view of the beach, I am delighted to see that the sand is back. Sure there are rocks here and there but you would think a fleet of dump trucks and bulldozers had been here this week to pick up all of that cobble rock. The entire northern stretch of the beach is covered in sand.

As I walk down the beach, the water feels the same as it has on my feet for weeks but I’m still questioning whether I want to do this. Well I at least have to get in the water and swim a bit and then we will take it from there. I can’t make out any “sets” of waves. It’s just a bunch of random white water breaking where ever it feels like. Needless to say there are no surfers out. The morning surf report said the late morning and afternoon wind would be “manageable” in a place with “structure.” Well I’d say we are lacking structure here.

I lose my shirt and stash my pack and head west. I have a nice sandy floor for as far as I can reasonably walk, which is actually pretty far. Eventually I start swimming and head out for an elusive surfline. It is hard to tell just exactly where the “surf” ends today. Once I’m pretty sure I am where I want to be, I head south. The water feels pretty good. It really doesn’t feel any colder than it did a week ago. I’d say it is about 59. Not too shabby for February.

I really am hoping that the bacteria and fecal levels are well under control in this post-rain water because I’m getting plenty of it in my mouth today. I can feel myself moving with the current. As I expected, this is all generally pretty great. Sure it’s hard work but isn’t that largely why I am here anyways? I feel good in the water. As I stare south, I see wave after wave marching eastward. The entire ocean seems to be heading for shore. Where does it all go? What happens when it has all arrived? Will I be able to run to Catalina?

Once I am near the south end, the water looks like it is extra agitated and grey near the cliffs. I get to just about my usual spot. Maybe I’m there - who knows - and I decide I have come far enough. I can’t bring myself to go into that grey water. Already the water I am in seems less blue than it was just before. I grab a few pics and turn around.

Ok, this is interesting. I am body slamming wave after wave. I think I’m making forward headway but also feel like my engines are running at 80%. I figure I’m just gonna swim and swim and swim and eventually I will get to the north end. Wouldn’t you know it? That is exactly what happens. It definitely feels like it takes a while and by the time I am lined up with those northern bathrooms, I want to shout hallelujah! I’m not getting any warmer - that’s for sure, but I’m fine. At times it feels like the cold is approaching an overwhelming level but then I put my attention on my body and the water and all is well. I think about certain themes in my everyday life that currently toy with my anxiety to the point that I experience moments (lots and lots of contiguous moments) where I imagine a future in shambles. It’s all really not much different than now as I swim through this rough water. If I focus on moving forward and keep my attention on what is actually happening instead of what I am afraid will happen then everything will work itself out. It might not be a silky smooth path (it never is) but I believe I will get to the other side and the trip there does not have to be as bad as I make it out to be.

I’m heading back south now and enjoying the feeling of accomplishment I have. Barring some unforeseen catastrophe, I am going to make it. I am so glad I did this. I begin to head to shore and soon the waves become a bit more defined (a bit). I let a couple pass over me and one tosses me around below the surface. I find that I can easily touch the ground. It seems like I am still a good ways out but I can walk all the way to dry land.

I take a good look around me and it seems like the tide has come down dramatically since when I have started. I’ve been in the water an hour and 15 minutes and the tide is at about 0. It was mid 3’s when I started. The air also feels warmer. I grab my pack and don’t bother drying off or putting on a shirt. As I head up the stairs I savor the sun which is diluted by the wind every few seconds. When I get to the shower at the top, it feels extra cold today. Come on lets get this body rinsed off. Finally I’m done and I dry off and as soon as I poke my head and upper body inside my warm car, I am transported to a different place and on the verge of some kind of outer body experience.