Happy 4th
Slept in until just before 6 this morning. Not too long afterwards, a miracle occurred. I did some yard work. Then, not so miraculous, I gave myself a hair cut. At 10:30 I left for the beach.
After the morning’s overcast skies, it is a nice “mostly” sunny day. I get to the parking lot and there looks to be some texture on the water but not as bumpy as yesterday. There’s a small breeze blowing and the sun is warm. Actually, although I have not been, the sun is really really hot but feels warm from a gajillian miles away here on Earth.
Heading down the stairs, the water looks like it may be fairly clear. I can see the shades of blue and black highlighting the rock on the ocean floor. At the beach, the lifeguard stand says the water is 65-66. Sounds great!
Trying yet another way to attach the camera today. I have a carabiner clamping it to a loop in my trunks. Seems like this should be secure and keep the camera out of my way. Hopefully it will be easy to attach and unattach the camera.
Heading out past the surf and the water feels good (as usual). I start heading South and I’m definitely fighting some current and wind swell but overall not too bad. This is very nice.
Just giving myself to the water today and allowing myself to feel its coolness on my skin. I swim over some kelp that catches my eye and I take a few shots. Delightfully, the camera is easy to get to with this new setup. When I get to the South end, I take several shots near a rock with seaweed violently swaying this way and that as the waves pass over. None of these shots turn out good. I’m finding it is difficult to dive far with this floating stick. Floating stick gotta float I guess.
Heading North and enjoying the view of the horizon. As the clouds dissipate the sun shifts the hue of the water to a more electric blue. I pass not far from a boat out here coasting on the water. I finally reach my destination at the Green Monster buoy and turn around to head back.
The Green Monster
Just past the Ricky Bobby buoy I see a small forest of kelp with a school of fish floating still just above the ocean floor. I take a few shots and none are great but a couple worth keeping.
Head in to shore and the 4th of July crowd is definitely filling in down here. The other day my dad was telling me that in the early 60s you could walk this beach on the 4th and not see a soul.